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Diminish Stubborn Chin Fat With KYBELLA® Injections

By: Our Team


Are you among the many men and women who are at a relatively healthy weight and struggle with stubborn fat on your neck or beneath your chin? This common complaint is often the result of age, genetics, hormones, or another unavoidable factor. Even when the cause of your double chin is inevitable, you have options to slim down your neckline — with KYBELLA being among the most popular and convenient solutions available today. At JEM Medspa Indiana, aesthetic provider Dr. David Dreyfuss and our experienced team perform KYBELLA injections to help give Munster, IN patients just like you the slimmer, smoother profile and soaring self-esteem they deserve. Continue reading this blog to learn more about the stunning and long-lasting results that are possible with KYBELLA neck injections.

I have a double chin, but I’m not overweight

Even people who are at a healthy weight and are relatively thin can still have a double chin, which is often the result of genetics, hormones, an underlying medical condition, or even medications the patient may be taking. The neck and area just beneath the chin are common problem areas when it comes to the accumulation of stubborn fat, which unfortunately can leave people who are otherwise fit looking many pounds heavier and years older than they actually are. While neck liposuction is certainly an effective means of reducing a double chin, many men and women prefer a nonsurgical treatment option when available. In this case, KYBELLA offers a compelling opportunity to dissolve neck fat and slim your double chin without going under the knife.

How does KYBELLA work?

KYBELLA is an injectable product that aims to mimic the function of a naturally occurring substance in the body that works to dissolve fat cells. When injected into the neck, KYBELLA targets excess fat cells, rendering them unviable and allowing them to be safely resorbed and expelled through natural processes — and the result is a smoother, slimmer, younger-looking profile.

Is KYBELLA safe?

KYBELLA is a cosmetic injectable that is FDA approved for the purpose of reducing stubborn fat beneath the chin and on the neck. Side effects of KYBELLA are typically minor and temporary, though they can occur. Some potential KYBELLA side effects include:

  • Bruising or swelling at the KYBELLA injection site
  • Tenderness
  • Redness
  • Irritation
  • Loss of sensitivity (numb feeling)

In the majority of cases, these temporary side effects resolve within a few hours or days. While very rare, there is some risk of nerve damage or difficulty swallowing associated with KYBELLA injections. Prior to treatment, Dr. Dreyfuss or a member of our experienced aesthetic injection team will conduct a comprehensive consultation and evaluation to ensure you are an appropriate candidate for treatment and to identify any potential contraindications for KYBELLA injection. If you are found not to be a candidate for KYBELLA, we will work closely with you to identify an alternative treatment that can help you to still achieve the more attractive neckline you dream of.

Double down on your double chin with KYBELLA injections in Munster, IN

When diet, exercise, and at-home products aren’t helping to slim your neckline, it may be time to consider your in-office treatment options. For more information on the exciting benefits of minimally invasive, nonsurgical double chin slimming with KYBELLA, call us at JEM Medspa Indiana to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. David Dreyfuss today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.